About Me!

Scroll down to see about me! There is a lot of cool stuff down there.

About me

I love to code

I love coding. I think it's obvious. I mostly love to code in Hopscotch, the coding app! I enjoy coding a lot. I know a lot of coding languages, but the main ones are, Python, JavaScript, and Blocks (Hopscotch and Scratch).

I also love to draw

The drawing came from making Hopscotch projects because I had to make assets for my games. (It's 1 reason out of so much more why I love Hopscotch) All the images on this website is made by me, by the way! My art really isn't that good but I still get compliments. I know it's confusing. Very.

A lot of other stuff

What I like most is.. you guessed it.. Stuff! I don't really know if you guessed it :p If you are on the forum you'll find me saying "heheh" a lot, heheh. My real name is.. only some people know it. Just ask someone on the Hopscotch forum if ou really want to know.

My acomplishments! :o (Mostly hopscotch related)

Anyways, I've gotten spam liked and liked on Hopscotch by famous Hopscotchers! I got one rising.

Questions And Answers

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